2015 Kick sampling begins

Today we publish the results of our first kick sample of 2015, the river levels having now lowered to the point where it is reasonably safe to go into the water. As one might expect, the results are pretty good given that we are fully into Spring; as well as good numbers of the targeted species, we also found some water lice, leeches, snails and some healthy-sized bullhead fishes. Results for 2015 will appear on a new page which you can find under the Wildlife heading on our menu.

We hope to take regular kick samples at least once a month, and later this week, several more of our committee members will be trained on how to identify the various species. Spectators are always welcome, although the sample times do rather depend on when at least three of us have a spare couple of hours all at the same time, and sometimes cannot be announced in advance.

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