2017 Activities

Please make sure you check social media or this website for confirmation of events. We are dealing with the ‘great outdoors’ and sometimes nature interferes with our plans!!

Friday, 3rd February @ 7.30pmPresentation to Wincanton Gardening Club, Memorial Hall, Wincanton – Public attendees are welcome (£1 on the door).

Sunday, 26th February – Litter pick at A303 towards the sewerage works – (NOTE: This is a restricted event due to accessing privately owned land, so numbers and ability are limited). Contact us if you are interested.

Saturday, 11th March – Wildflower Meadow hedge maintenance, and construction of ‘tree’ bench.

Saturday, 1st April – Litterpick through Bennett’s Field industrial estate and downstream. – (NOTE: This is another restricted event due to awkward and deep water access so again, numbers and ability are limited). Contact us if you are interested.

Saturday, 29th AprilAnnual CATCH Jumble Sale @ the Wincanton Memorial Hall, 10-2 – Jumble will be required until the event, so please call us on 07597 127187 for either drop off or collection of jumble.

Saturday, 20th MayHawker’s Bridge painting – a final top coat to be added – adults only.

Saturday, 3rd JuneBalsam Bashing from Charlton Musgrove to Wincanton.

Saturday, 22nd JulyBalsam Bashing, venue TBC – Certainly through the town, & hopefully downstream from Wincanton.

Saturday, 30th SeptemberTree coppicing, pollarding, & flow deflector maintenance – Public event. Contact us for details nearer to the date -on 07597 127187

Sunday, 17th DecemberPre-Christmas Litter pick -This is a Public event. Contact us for details nearer to the date – either via social network, or on 07597 127187.

The year is never usually as rigid as this schedule seems, we just seem to be getting more orgnised as the years go by. We often arrange impromptu walks, talks, events, cleanups, etc, so please keep an eye on our Facebook or Twitter pages, or on here.

We are also looking for new audiences for our presentation to help people understand the origins of CATCH, what we do, how we do it, and maybe a small chuckle here and there….Please contact us via social media, or on here, or by phone.

Throughout the year we conduct kick sampling on a monthly basis (dates to be confirmed each month). This is a method of continually assessing the river condition, and we welcome public participation and attendance. We will publish these in advance for anyone who wants to watch a kick sample in action.

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