Jumble Sale a resounding success

Many thanks to all the people of Wincanton who attended our Jumble Sale this past Saturday. We have raised an impressive £300.21 to put towards our work on the river!… ...read the rest

Windows on Wincanton Wildlife

Today sees the first in a planned series of articles going into some detail on a particular example of the flora and fauna to be found in, on, or near the River Cale. It can be found here, or in the website menu under “River Cale Wildlife.”

Suggestions for what animal, tree, or plant we might feature next are always welcome – provided it’s something that we might actually see in the vicinity of Wincanton!… ...read the rest

Catch making headlines

CATCH’s conservation activity has drawn the attention of the Western Gazette...read the rest

Water, Water Everywhere…

The recent spell of prolonged heavy rain has, of course, led to severe flooding across large parts of the south west of England, and Wincanton has fared much less badly than some other towns. Nevertheless, it is likely that flood waters will have dragged who-knows-what manner of rubbish into the river… ...read the rest

Jumble Sale

CATCH are organising a jumble sale to raise funds for their river projects. It is being held at the Balsam Centre on Saturday 8th February, from 12 noon until 2pm.… ...read the rest

The river in Autumn

As the seasons change, so the appearance of the river and its surroundings also changes; but whatever the time of year there are always wonderful things to see… ...read the rest

Catch Cleanup Crew

One of the regular activities we organise is a litter-pick and general cleanup of the river and its surroundings. Some of these are small affairs with just committee members and a few regulars, but we try to publicly advertise and organise events for the whole family to attend and get involved.… ...read the rest

Environmental Agency tests the water quality of the Cale

In early September, a visit from the Environment Agency took  place where they tested the River Cale’s water quality. This came about directly as a result of CATCH’s work.… ...read the rest

CATCH HQ Venue Established

Choosing a meeting HQ for an enterprising group such as this is a task of great importance. The venue should be practical, able to provide for all the needs of the group members present at any given meeting.… ...read the rest

The Old See-Saw

While walking the river, we discovered the old see-saw that seems to have found its way down into the water. It’s quite a distance that thing has travelled. A significant achievement, though not quite of a Stone Henge scale.… ...read the rest