Our Mission:

A community group committed to returning the River Cale to a self-sustaining ecosystem that is rich in bio-diversity and to be enjoyed by all.


Coppicing and Pollarding – September 2017

C.A.T.C.H. volunteers undertook some coppicing and pollarding on a very over shaded stretch of the Cale . The difference after a few hours of work was quite dramatic.
The result is now that if you stand on the Batch Bridge and look upstream you get a fabulous view of the river and it’s flow deflectors . Items of rubbish were removed as we worked so it’s really looking good down there. We have also created some hibernacula or bug hotels as the kids call them , this was achieved using the brash from the tree trimmings.
The main reason for … ...read the rest

Britain in Bloom 2017

A lovely award to receive from the Britain in Bloom organisation. … ...read the rest

Our first Rock Berm – 2017


On Monday 12th September, work started and was completed on our rock berm in the River Cale, Wincanton. This indeed was a significant day… ...read the rest

Faces for radio!


Back in April 2017 Gary and Matt took part in a live show on BBC Radio Somerset. … ...read the rest

Electrofishing on the Cale, Friday 4th August

Some years ago, the Environment Agency came to survey the Cale’s fish population by electro-fishing, and found it to be extremely low…… ...read the rest

4th Annual CATCH Jumble Sale mere weeks away!

A brief reminder to you all that the CATCH jumble sale takes place this year on Saturday April 29th, at Wincanton Memorial Hall beginning at 10am.… ...read the rest

CATCH Jumble Sale – 29th April 2017 – Jumble needed

Hi all, please note that we are still asking for Jumble for our upcoming sale and would love a great big turn out for the event. ALL proceeds go back into the town. Please support us. Jumble Sale advert 2017

...read the rest

Saturday 11th March – Memorial Meadow event

This coming weekend we have an event planned, involving the creation of a natural bench and the planting of a hedgerow.… ...read the rest

Wincanton Carnival team donates to CATCH

CATCH would like to offer sincere thanks to the organisers behind Wincanton Town Carnival, which has happily returned to the town in recent years.… ...read the rest

River monitoring (kick sampling) – Saturday 11th February – PUBLIC EVENT

Every month, CATCH complete a visit to the river to take a snapshot of the river condition via a method called ‘kick sampling’. This is where we enter the river, take a sample of the river entomology and examine the numbers of different insects.… ...read the rest