Very talkative!

In order to spread the word of the Gospel of CATCH, we provide talks to a broad spectrum of organisations on a fairly regular basis. We’ve spoken to the Women’s Institute, Historical Societies, Cub scouts, Gardeners Clubs, and The Somerset Wildlife Trust.

Last week, CATCH went on tour again and travelled across to Portishead to present to the South West area of The Hawk & Owl Trust on Monday, and then Wincanton Women’s Institute on Wednesday afternoon.

The talk lasts about an hour and a half and hopefully leaves the participants with a fuller understanding of our group, the reasons for doing what we do, and possibly further educate the public about the importance of our rivers and the catchments where they sit.

If you would like to see the CATCH tour, then either email us or call us. You will find the details on our ‘about’ page.

We’re not pretty, but we can talk!!

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